

Questions for Reflection/Discussion by Catholic Men

What impact does knowing the addictive power of pornography have on your own battle to resist the temptation of pornography?

What is the difference between addictive sexual behavior and healthy sexual behavior (within the Sacrament of Marriage)?

What are some of the negative consequences of addictive sexual behavior?

What role does your Catholic faith play in your battle for sexual integrity, especially knowing your “dignity rests in being created in the image and likeness of God”?.

What role does your relationship with Christ, and living a Christ-centered life, play in your battle for sexual integrity? What steps can you take to deepen that relationship?

Under what circumstances do you think it is necessary to seek counseling or support groups to overcome sexual addiction?

If you are in a men’s group, take some time to pray for one another for the grace and power to resist the sexual temptations that we face each day.

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